Friday, December 12, 2008

Why Setting Big Goals for Yourself !!!!!!!

It is the First Key Step towards Your Mega Success?

Suppose there is a salesperson. He gets up in the morning thinking he may earn up to Rs 50 for his hard word that day. Even if he achieves his goal, this small money will not get him many of the material comforts he may want. Suppose he knows that he may earn up to Rs 500 or even Rs 5,000 for his hard work that day. In which of the two situations do you think the person will be more motivated and more effective? Of course, the situation giving him more money.

Similarly if one student's goal is to just pass and other student's goal is to get a first division (and may be a rank). Who do you think will be able concentrate better in the class? Who will be more effective? Who will learn better? If their intelligence and other factors are the same, then the student with higher goal will learn more efficiently.

So set a high goal. It does not have to be being first in the class or being first the country, because that may not be necessary or even useful. Make your goal like success in your competitive exam or getting a job, etc. which leads to some big gain for you.

Just because you set higher goal does not mean that you have to spend more hours studying/work. You can still study/work only as many hours as you want to. And while you study/work, put 100% effort.

So setting Higher Goal is much more better then setting a normal goal.

1 comment:

Vijay said...

nice one!!!
its true that when you will aim for moon then only u can land in stars....dedication is more important than amount of hours spent....